Part 2: 7 Billionth Baby
Imprisoned by a corrupt legal system for three and a half years. Forced
to have her baby by Caesarean section in a flooded jail. In constant
fear of losing the support of her lover. How would Nok and her three
children survive?
Mother of two and 5 months pregnant with her third, Nok had been framed
as a drug dealer by corrupt cops looking for a 150,000 baht bribe.
Threatened with 7 years in prison if she fought her case and lost, or
half that time if she ‘confessed’, for the sake of her unborn baby she
had ‘confessed’ and been sentenced to 3 years 6 months.
Now she faced the prospect of a Caesarean birth in a flooded prison if
her English boyfriend could not successfully appeal her sentence on
compassionate grounds. But the new Thai government had asserted itself
as heavily anti-drug and the wheels of the Thai judicial system turned
very slowly. Could he get her out, or not?
Author : Turner, Tom
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