Saturday, 31 March 2012

Forget You Had A Daughter - Doing Time In The Bangkok Hilton

Forget You Had A Daughter - Doing Time In The Bangkok Hilton

Forget You Had A Daughter - Doing Time In The Bangkok Hilton

Sandra Gregory was caught smuggling heroin through Bangkok airport in 1993. Her punishment saw her suffer the horrors of the notorious 'Bangkok Hilton' prison, before being transferred to a British prison, then freed in 2000. This is her story.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Burnt Out In Bangkok

Burnt Out In Bangkok

Burnt Out In Bangkok

18+ only An old fashioned love story, with the main character being a retired Police Officer from Jersey City, New Jersey, U.S.A., who falls in love with a woman who is involved in the oldest profession in the world! Let Mullins take you on a journey down the back alleys and Sois on Bangkok, where love can be lurking at anytime! Beautiful Thai girls who view sex as nothing more than a bodily function!

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Bangkok Sights

Bangkok Sights

Bangkok Sights

This illustrated Travel Guide is a part of the Mobi Sights series, our concise guides that only feature the most essential information on city attractions. This guide is designed for optimal navigation on eReaders, smartphones, and other mobile electronic devices. Inside you will find a locator map and a list of top attractions linked to individual articles. Addresses, telephones, hours of operation and admissions information are included. This travel guide also features an itinerary with our suggestions for your travel route. Itineraries include links to individual attraction articles.Please search for "Travel Bangkok," part of the Mobi Travel series, if you are interested in the complete travel guide that includes more maps and attractions with additional articles on history, cultural venues, transportation, districts, dining, accommodations, units conversion, and a phrasebook.

Culture and Customs of Laos

Culture and Customs of Laos

Culture and Customs of Laos

A must-have for high school and public library shelves, this volume reveals contemporary culture and traditions in Laos.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Thailand - From Nowhere To Nee

Thailand - From Nowhere To Nee

Thailand - From Nowhere To Nee

Thailand - from Nowhere to Nee walks the reader through the lives of two young lovers as they face the complexities of life when the convergence of different cultural backgrounds place both real and emotional obstacles in their way. David Henderson is a bright young Australian.. the son of a Thai mother and Australian father. Having been raised all his life in Australia, he is faced with the difficulties of adjusting to life in Thailand. He feels neither Thai nor Australian - lost somewhere in between and reaching out for acceptance and anything else that will help define his place in the world. Nee is from a poor family in a province west of Bangkok, thrown into a life not of her choosing, in a place she would rather not be. Her life is the life of so many young Thai girls who see the only way out for their families is to make enough money to send home each month to keep food on the table, and a roof over their heads. These two young lovers are eventually befriended by an American veteran of the Vietnam War.. another of society's outcasts who finds himself back in the only place he feels purpose in life, having given up on his own country after the disappointment and disillusionment he found on returning home after the war. Together, this misfit trio will take you on a journey of discovery toward the unmistakable attraction held by many the world over for the Land of Smiles. Enjoy their journey and at some point, reflect on what different cultures can teach us all if only we make the effort to open our eyes and hearts.

Provincetown Follies, Bangkok Blues

Provincetown Follies, Bangkok Blues

Provincetown Follies, Bangkok Blues

Luang kho ngu hao. Now I put my hand in the cobra's throat. Tuki Aparecio did not kill her lover. She did not burn down the Painted Lady--at least, not with fire. Tuki lit up the stage nightly, with her hair in braids and her glorious costumes; glittering, smoldering, singing her heart out for an audience who loved her. She brought the house down with her performances. But she's innocent of murder, innocent of arson. How can Michael DeCastro possibly hope to defend this beautiful drag queen, who brings with her a whole pack of nasty little secrets, straight from Bangkok's notorious tenderloin district? She speaks in aphorisms, the wisdom of the Buddha combined with the lyrics of Whitney Houston. She is fascinating. And Michael can't let her go to jail.

Thailand Old Hand

Author : Jaggs, Peter
ISBN : 978616-2450358
 Category : Travel & Travelogue
 Pages : 122
 Price: $4.99 
Peter Jaggs has the unerring ability of being able to blunder into a good story wherever he travels in Asia.
Whether perusing the bars and brothels of Pattaya and Angeles City, meeting up with an archaic spirit doctor in the wilds of the Isaan countryside, losing his way in the war-time tunnels of Cu-Chi in Vietnam, becoming embroiled in a punch-up with the local tough-guy in a Philippine backstreet or encountering an ethereal ghost on a deserted, moonlit beach in Thailand, he tells the tale with his own peculiar stamp of originality, humor and accuracy.
The twenty true short stories in this - the author’s eighth book - are as colorful, diverse and sometimes as confusing as the continent of Asia itself. Many will make you laugh, others may make you want to cry and one or two will probably appall you.
Whatever your reaction may be to some of the memories of a man who has spent almost three decades making the most of what Asia has to offer, ‘Thailand Old Hand’ makes for a rattling good suitcase read and is a book you will find hard to put down.
“The author is an Old Thailand Hand; it’s apparent he has been around long enough to become insightful” Bangkok Post

“Jaggs has become like a master brewer, skillfully distilling a wealth of living experiences into some very funny moments” Pattaya Trader              
Thailand Old Hand
ISBN : 978616-2450358
Category : Travel & Travelogue
Pages : 122
Price from : 4.99 US$ (ebook)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Monkey Business In Thailand

Monkey Business In Thailand Monkey Business In Thailand
Come to Thailand and meet a sexy Isaan girl, fall in love and build a small house for less than the price of a second-hand car in the peaceful serenity of the Thai countryside and live happily ever after, far away from the hassles and headaches of modern urban life. Sounds like a dream come true, doesn't it? Unfortunately, things don't always turn out as planned. Monkey Business in Thailand tells the true story of what really happened when a Pattaya old-hand becomes disillusioned with the changes his favorite city has gone through during the past quarter of a century and succumbs to the charms of a determined young bar-girl, then attempts to do what many visitors to Thailand have contemplated.A must-read for anyone who is considering travelling or living in up-country Thailand, Peter Jaggs brings to life a host of unforgettable characters from the neon-lit backstreets of Pattaya to the dirt-roads and rice-fields of a rustic village in Sri Saket.This book also opens up a treasure chest of folk-lore tales and insights into rural Thailand, as well as providing a fascinating look at some of the bird and animal life of the area.Monkey Business in Thailand moves from the shameless to the subtle in the wink of a bar-girl's eye and provides the reader with a humorous and panoramic portrait of a foreigner living amongst the Isaan people and countryside. Unlike the old days, when a crowbar at least was needed to pry most male visitors away from Pattaya, in recent times it appears that more and more men are actually listening to their Thai girlfriends when they are urged to consider moving away from the ever-increasing pace of Thailand's busiest tourist resort to a quiet haven deep in the Thai provinces. Of course, there are those that have already made the change; some with a measure of success and others, like the author of this book, with complete, spectacular failure.

The Farang Wife

Author : Crossley, Tony
 ISBN : 978616-2450525
 Category : Erotica & Adventure
 Pages : 295
 Price: $4.99 
An English graphic designer in Bangkok loves his lovely if prim wife, but he finds models at the photography studio he owns too much to resist. On the wife finding that her marriage is under threat, in an attempt to cure her husband’s habitual philandering she decides to be more ‘sexy’. Little did she know the effect it would have on her psyche.
An expat Pattaya estate agency manager married in the UK believing that his former beauty queen wife would serve his social aspirations. He combines his photography hobby with his penchant for ‘skirt-chasing’. The wife attempts to jump-start her flagging marriage by reviving her former modelling career and signs onto the model register of a Bangkok photography studio.
In a post-facto analysis of marital deceit and gender rivalry, each party involved relates the effect their partner’s infidelity and their own impacted the way they thought. A question raised is if Western precepts of morality create many of the very social ills they are supposed to avert.  

The Farang Wife
ISBN : 978616-2450525
Category : Erotica & Adventure
Pages : 295
Price from : 4.99 US$ (ebook)

Monday, 26 March 2012

Bangkok Dragons, Cape Cod Tears

Bangkok Dragons, Cape Cod Tears

Bangkok Dragons, Cape Cod Tears

When Michael Decastro gets an email from Tuki, the lady of ten thousand mysteries, he doesn't hesitate a moment. He heads to Bangkok to find. . . what? He doesn't know. To face what dangers? He hasn't imagined. All he knows is that she's beckoned, and he can't resist her call. And now, face-to-face with Tuki and a ruby so beautiful it has its own name, Michael must make a choice: move forward, protect Tuki and see that she's safe, or run back to his father's fishing boat, hiding from the ills of the world beneath a watchcap and a raincoat. Foolhardy, compassionate Michael hardly has to think. . . This is the follow-up to the LAMBDA-award nominated Provincetown Follies, Bangkok Blues.

Bangkok Affections

Author : Parmelee, James Aaron
 ISBN : 978616-2450471
 Category : Books on Asia
 Pages : 281
 Price: $6.99

A teacher fighting demons. . . Is there life after death? An American English teacher in Bangkok is intrigued by his school's Virgin Mary statues weeping tears of real blood seemingly over the abuse and trafficking of children. With diligence, perseverance and a bit of good luck, he achieves personal fame by stopping clerical pedophiles in their tracks around the world except for a couple of vicious demons he overlooked in his own school. . .
A wonderful, if truly frightening, novel about heinous crimes taking place in Bangkok. James Parmelee not only knows and understands the world of being a foreigner teaching in Thailand, but also has an incredibly gifted writing style that gets you turning the pages in a hurry to see what happens next.
“Now, don’t interrupt me, Jack!” the general warned. “There’s a lot more information I have to tell you during this reverse interrogation. You see, your cell would be only twelve meters by five meters in dimension, and for sleeping would be shared by about sixty other men, all snoring and breaking wind, and so on. That kind of space would not allow you, even if you were only my size, to as much as stretch your legs at night without kicking someone, which is not a very wise thing to do in prison, Jack! But, given your size, well, you can imagine your greater difficulty in just trying to get some sleep.
“Then early in the morning our guards would take you after a thorough body search to a long trough of putrid water, where along with hundreds of other prisoners you could have a bath if you had something to dip the water out with, provided there was still enough left by the time you reached the trough.
“For your breakfast, there would be only the very worst Thai food imaginable, which generally turns the stomachs of foreigners, some of them complaining that even the cats who eat it vomit, though I’m not sure if that’s true or not. Of course, prisoners who have money can buy proper food to eat there, which is okay for them.
“However, in your case, you would not have any money at all, would you?” The general leered.
“Of course, to keep you busy during the day, they might have you doing something useful like making paper bags, for instance, and doing that would earn you a monthly salary of about three dollars U.S. How would you feel about all this Jack?”
Jack trembled. “Disgusted, of course,” he responded.
“And I don’t blame you! So now let’s get back to the second scenario, where we let you keep all of your money, and give you an extra ten million baht besides. Of course, you would need to exit Thailand forever, and probably take up a new identity somewhere else. Could you accept that?”
“I would have no choice,” admitted Jack, but with little enthusiasm.
“And what would you do for us to earn that splendid privilege, Jack?”
“You want to use me for a sting, don’t you?”
“Ah, Jack!” shouted the general in delight. “I knew that you were a man of superior intelligence all along!”

Bangkok Affections
ISBN : 978616-2450471
Category : Books on Asia
Pages : 281
Price from : 6.99 US$ (ebook)

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Welcome to the Bangkok Slaughterhouse

Welcome to the Bangkok Slaughterhouse

Welcome to the Bangkok Slaughterhouse

For twenty-five years, Father Joe Maier, a Catholic priest, has lived and worked in Bangkok's bleakest slums, establishing more than thirty schools, five shelters for street kids, and several projects for women and children with AIDS, working with and against authority, earning enmity and praise in equal measure. In this book, he tells the heartbreaking and heartwarming stories of the poorest of Thailand's poor, each a gem guaranteed to bring anger, tears, and joy. 100% of all proceeds will be donated to the Human Development Fund in Bangkok, Thailand

Rough Diamonds Extract

Rit knew he wouldn’t get what he really wanted from the Farang.  Why had he gone with the Farang, his first in months?  He must be out of practice not to have checked what the Farang liked.  Why had he stayed a second night, when the first night had not been what he wanted?  Maybe he just wanted to show the young, popular guys, or Rot, that he still had it in him.  Maybe he wanted to brag about the five star luxuries.
He was about to go and wake the Farang, but paused, then wandered back onto the balcony.  Who knew when he would enjoy this view again, if ever.  It was Pattaya’s newest hotel.  One night is this suite cost more than Rit earned in a month.  Rit thought about the past years and the guys he had seen come and go at Diamond.  Those that lasted a night in the bars, and those like him who became fixtures. 
There had been about ten boys who started at Diamond Boys when it opened.  That was a good time.  Some of them had hooked a good life, and some no longer had a life.  He realised that if he didn’t count Rot, who didn’t count, as he was his brother, he was the last of a long line.  And Rot had been away for two years in the Army.  Sure, he still had half a dozen phone numbers, but he didn’t keep touch with any of them.  Maybe he should give them a call.
He reflected on the journey to get to this point, a night in the Pattaya Hilton, when it had seemed more likely at times that he would see some nights in the ‘Bangkok Hilton’.  He knew plenty who had ended up there, or some other monkeyhouse, for drugs or worse.

Nate’s Thai Education

Author : Fawcett, C. J.
 ISBN : 978616-2450631
 Category : Romance
 Pages : 216
 Price: $4.99

A Young man's Journey into Adulthood.
Nathan Foster was a coward. Kicked out of Marine boot camp and afraid to face his high-ranking Marine father, he stole his father’s frequent flyer miles to run away to Thailand until he could figure out what to do with his wreck of a life. Socially inept, Nathan quickly gravitated to the bars where, for once in his life, women seemed to like him. And at 19 years old, he liked them right back. Quickly settling into a routine with other expats, he was able to forget about his failures back at home. Despite his success with bargirls, though, he formed a crush on Nok, a receptionist at his hotel. And when she invited him to her hometown for a visit , he accepted.
Village life was a far cry from Bangkok’s excitement, but he tried to fit in and get to know Nok better. And in doing so, he began to get a different view of Thailand, from Buddhism to farming to family life. However, when another village girl returned with her Russian boyfriend, things got tense, and Nathan the coward, Nathan the failure make his return. Would he simply run away again, or could he actually take a stand for the first time in his life, actually become a man?  

Nate’s Thai Education
ISBN : 978616-2450631
Category : Romance
Pages : 216
Price from : 4.99 US$ (ebook)

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Confessions of a Bangkok PI

Confessions of a Bangkok PI

Confessions of a Bangkok PI

Two-timing bargirls, suspicious spouses and lesbian lovers - it was all in a day's work for Bangkok Private Eye Warren Olson. For more than a decade, Olson walked the mean streets of the Big Mango. Fluent in Thai and Khmer, he was able to go where other private eyes feared to tread. His clients included Westerners who had lost their hearts and life savings to moneyhungry bargirls. But he had more than his fair share of Thai clients, too, including a sweet old lady who was ripped off by a Christian conman and a Thai girl blackmailed by a former lover. The stories are based on Olson's case files, disguised to protect the innocent and the guilty by bestselling author Stephen Leather. Olson has now relocated to his native New Zealand with his Thai wife and daughter, but the agency that he founded is still open for business at

A Year in the 'Kok

Author : Horse, Crazy
 ISBN : 9786162450860
 Category : Erotica & Adventure
 Pages : 225
 Price: $4.99    
Ripped straight from the nightlife of Bangkok City Center and the off the wall pages of Western Man in Asia, notorious blog author Crazy Horse reveals all about his crazy first year in the 'Kok.          

A Year in the 'Kok
ISBN : 9786162450860
Category : Erotica & Adventure
Pages : 225
Price from : 4.99 US$ (ebook)

The Unfinished Dream and Other Stories

Author : Namgyal, Pem
 ISBN : 9786162450853
 Category : Travel & Travelogue
 Pages : 203
 Price: $6.99    
The Unfinished Dream and Other Stories brings together nineteen remarkable tales from the hidden Kingdom of Bhutan. Pem Namgyal provides glimpses of a country that remained secluded from the rest of the world for centuries and, only recently, is waking from its ancient slumber. These stories tell of the dreams and the travails and of love and life of the ordinary people of this beautiful country as they struggle to bridge their past with their future …          

The Unfinished Dream and Other Stories
ISBN : 9786162450853
Category : Travel & Travelogue
Pages : 203
Price from : 6.99 US$ (ebook)

Friday, 23 March 2012

bangkok Days

Bangkok Days

Bangkok Days

Tourists come to Bangkok for many reasons - a sex change operation, a night with two prostitutes dressed as nuns, a stay in a luxury hotel. Lawrence Osborne comes for the cheap dentistry. Broke - but no longer in pain - he finds that he can live in Bangkok on a few dollars a day. Osborne's is a visceral experience of Bangkok, whether he's wandering the canals that fill the old city; dining at the No Hands Restaurant, where his waitress feeds him like a baby; or launching his own notably unsuccessful career as a gigolo. A guide without inhibitions, Osborne takes us to a feverish place where a strange blend of ancient Buddhist practice and new sexual mores has created a version of modernity only superficially indebted to the West. Bangkok Days is a love letter to the city that revived Osborne's faith in adventure and the world. 'Thailand inspires such enthralled romanticism that it also invites great cynicism and it is a feat to acknowledge all its complexities and graces, as Osborne does, without ever quite surrendering to them' PICO IYER, Los Angeles Times

Rough Diamonds Opening

Rit woke and rolled over.  The young Farang was still asleep next to him.  He eased himself out of bed and wandered naked, scratching his balls as he went, to the minibar and helped himself to a Singha.  They had finished the Heineken the previous evening, and he didn’t like whisky when he woke up.  But he needed alcohol.  He thought of calling room service for something to eat, but then he would have to dress.
He walked over to the window, drew back the curtains and went out onto the balcony overlooking the sea.  It was raining.  He enjoyed the cold rain on his body, it made his skin glisten and he felt refreshed.  Much better than a shower.  It looked like the storm was nearly over.  The dark clouds were heading inland and he could see the sunlight starting to hit the islands in the bay.

Daughter of Isaan

Author : Hudon, Antoine
 ISBN : 978974-10-35250
 Category : Romance
 Pages : 256
 Price: $6.99    

This is the story of a poor girl from Isaan, a love story complicated by cultural confusion, mistrust, corruption -- and even treason. Our girl takes on the world with unlimited ambition and naivety born of her simple roots. It is a rare insider account of Thailand's bar scene, written with understanding and local knowledge. With a central character who is at once innocent and urbane, yet at the same time both vulnerable and heroic, this is one bar where life goes on and stories unfold.    

Daughter of Isaan
ISBN : 978974-10-35250
Category : Romance
Pages : 256
Price from : 6.99 US$ (ebook)