Tuesday, 8 October 2013

The Cruz Chronicles by Robert Bell - Now In Paperback

The Cruz Novels are now available to order in paperback form.

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Or follow the links below to go to the individual book page

Please note that all paperbacks are supplied direct to you by createspace, an Amazon company
and not by Thai Diamond Books

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Short Stories By Robert Bell - Now in Paperback

Robert's short stories are now available to order in paperback form.

Click above to go to the Thai Diamonds Shop

Or follow the links below to go to the individual book page

Please note that all paperbacks are supplied direct to you by createspace, an Amazon company
and not by Thai Diamond Books.  They are also available direct from Amazon.

Life For Rent and Other Short Stories includes the following:
Life For Rent
Holiday Weekend
Run Away From The Crocodile, Face The Tiger
The Sesame Seed Burns Before The Cashew Nut Cooks
Clash of Wills
which were all previously published separately as eBooks

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Saturday, 5 October 2013

Run Away From The Tiger, Face The Crocodile at Amazon.com

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Martin headed for Thailand, leaving behind his former, self destructive, alcoholic self, James.  The last person he expected to see was Rene, especially not someone who had descended into drink and drugs.  Together they headed for a temple to be cured of their addictions.  The temple wasn't a temple.  The big question was whether Isaan Black Magic could cure them.  Would the Master succeed?

Martin and Rene enter a world where belief in the Master, the Teacher, is paramount.  Are they the subject of an elaborate scam, or is there a reality to which they are awakened.  Can they be cured of their addictions, and if so, at what price.

Friday, 4 October 2013

The Sesame Seed Burns Before The Cashew Nut Cooks at Amazon.com

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Sean had an agreement with his parents.  If he worked hard and applied himself at University, then they would fund his summer trips.  On graduation, provided he had finally decided on a plan for his future, and there had been no problems on his summer trips, he could have a gap year.
The first year, after sixth form, he chose Thailand.  It was cheap and had a reputation.  He wanted sex, as well as enlightenment.  He was expecting to have problems, be robbed or conned.  He hoped to have casual sex.  After all he was eighteen and horny, and his experience limited.  But he wasn’t expecting to get close to anyone, certainly not a bar boy.  But then he met Tam.  Tam shared his life, in ways Sean hadn’t wanted and by the end of his trip accepted Tam’s lifestyle.
A year later Sean returns, against all odds having kept in touch with Tam.  A year older, but maybe not a year wiser.  He reluctantly agrees to join Tam on a trip to his home village where Tam wants to visit his ‘teacher’.  A journey to the far north east of Thailand, to Isaan.  A journey that would be a challenge in ways Sean never dreamt.
The ‘teacher’ turns out to be an Isaan Black Magic Master, or so he claims.  The truth is revealed and both Tam and Sean have to reevaluate their beliefs.
What they both realise is that it’s time to put the past behind them, start afresh and ensure that they act on things before it is too late.  After all, the sesame seed burns before the cashew nut cooks; don’t let issues hang around too long or they’ll burn you.

The Thai Diamond Stories - Now Available in Paperback

The Thai Diamond Novels are now available to order in paperback form.

Click above to go to the Thai Diamonds Shop

Or follow the links below to go to the individual book page

Please note that all paperbacks are supplied direct to you by createspace, an Amazon company
and not by Thai Diamond Books

The Thai Diamond series of books by Robert Bell tells the story of a group of Thai bar boys who hit it big with the help of some Farangs, a bit of luck and a lot of hard work.

Robert has based a lot of events, particularly in Rough Diamonds, closely on things that actually happened to him, or his close friends, since he moved to Thailand.  A lot of the stories ring true as Robert maintained the core of the sequence of events, but maybe changed the final result.  Many of the more surprising happenings, such as Kenmg’s death and funeral, are closely based on real life experiences.  The characters are fictional.  In some cases, a mash up of boys, and Farangs, he met in Thailand.  The same with locations.

The story revolves around Rot and his friends as they start from humble beginnings.  They are helped emotionally, and financially, by a small group of Farangs.  Chance meetings play their part as does a willingness to never say never.  What gets the Farangs on board is the guys desire to improve life for the bar boys.

The story of the Thai Diamonds starts in ROUGH DIAMONDS.  Somrot Weangmakham, Rot, is persuaded by his brother, Rit, to go and work at Diamond Boys when it opens.  Rit has the job of organising shows and Rot agrees on condition that he only does the shows.  He told Rit no go-go dancing in his underwear and no going with customers, unless they were young, hot and female.  Rit told him that going with customers was not compulsory, but that he really needed some help to get the shows started.  Rot wasn’t worried; he just did not want his brother to know about his distant past.  He knew the rough end of the trade, but that was a secret.  Rit could never be allowed to know what had happened in Bangkok.
There is something about the Diamond guys, whether it is fresh faced Run, straight from the village; Cap who had done his round of the bars or Keng who had at nineteen already spent a lifetime in the bars.  A bond would tie them.  They endure all that Pattaya has to throw at them, including death and rape.  They come through it all stronger, harder and more determined.
Cap and Run use every tool at their disposal to save enough money to escape Pattaya and build a new future in Udon.  But their friendship with the other Diamonds continued.  They have moved on, but there is unfinished business.
Two Farangs, Michael Barnard and Geoffrey Shotton befriend the guys and help them along their way.  Geoff supports Cap and Run in their battle to move north, whilst Mike befriends Rit and Rot.  When Rot leaves for the army, Mike and him grow closer as Rot starts to decide on his future path, one that will surprise many. 
Keng dies and guides their futures from beyond the grave; their guardian spirit will only rest once they have accepted their fates and built a future, but they have to work out his riddles.

The pivotal event is Rit’s night at the Hilton, and it’s aftermath.  That one night that Rit spends with a young Farang causes him to evaluate things, and force a fight with his brother.  A fight that will lead Rot to make the decision that will set the future for all the Diamonds.

The guys are back and on a mission in DIAMOND FELLOWSHIP.  Keng continues his task of helping his friends find their futures.  As friendships are renewed, the Diamonds set down a path that will see them change the face of Diamond Boys, and Pattaya.
They gain revenge on some of those who crossed, exploited and abused them in their youth.  To get there they have to work undercover for the police to expose a side of Thailand that most of them were once part of, the side the Thailand where some lost their innocence at a young age.  In many ways it was all for Keng, their soul mate, who started young and died at 20.
Not everyone is destined to be a Diamond, some are on a route to self destruction.  In sorting them out they make some unlikely allies, who in time will become Diamonds even though Thailand is not their home country.
Rot finally declares his feelings, ones that he has hidden from everyone but Mike, and together with Run, leads the Diamonds towards the bright future.  Now that Mike has bought Diamonds they have a secure future, but also a debt to repay.

Robert reveals eight faces of the Thai Diamonds in the concluding book of the Thai Diamond trilogy, FACETS OF THAI DIAMONDS.  They put their former lives behind them and take on the best, and worst, that Pattaya has to offer.
We finally discover what happened in Bangkok when Rot went to work there aged sixteen and how he met Oot.  This first facet is a story of innocence lost.
Mike’s family arrives for a Christmas that will lead to life changing events, particularly for Mike’s nephew, Scott, who comes out in a spectacular way back in England, determined that his future lies elsewhere.
But for some of their number, the future is not with Diamonds.  Some guys just seem to self destruct.  And changes are afoot which strengthen, and expand the fellowship.  Keng finally achieves his goal, and his spirit moves on, but not without drastic effects to the fellowship.
They face new challenges, and when Scott, his brother and cousins, spend the summer working in Pattaya on college projects, it seems destined that the Diamonds will have even bigger success.
Decisions are taken and lives change for the young Diamonds, now not just Thai, but Russian and English.  With the help of their elders, who see the potential, they take on the world.
Peter and Ivan reveal how their innocence was taken from them in Russia, and how they came to be living in Thailand with Tim as yet another facet of the story is revealed.
In the four and a half years we have followed them, the Diamonds, whether Thai or Farang have matured and grown in stature.  Whether it was chance, or fate, that brought them together, what they created as a team is an unstoppable phenomenon.  They know what they like.  They know what they want.  They know when action has to be taken.  There are two ‘F’ words that aren’t in their vocabulary.  ‘Fear’ and ‘Failure’.  They built their businesses on a firm and stable footing, and look forward to a future that does not involve revealing their bodies on stage.

The trilogy is concluded, but life continues.  Thanks to Tim and Mike’s family, and with hard work they now control their future.  For some, life becomes more of a routine.  For others there are new challenges.  Not everyone who crosses their path is destined to become a Diamond, but those who do form the ultimate brotherhood.

New faces appear on the scene, and with them new challenges.  Rot, Run and Scott lead the Diamonds, as they work together with one goal, that of improving life in Pattaya and making a success of their business.  Sometimes there is a fear that the former may have an adverse effect on the latter.  But if the former means cleaning up town, then that takes priority.

In FINAL CLOSURE, Paul Swift retires and plans a peaceful life in Thailand.  He soon finds Soi Opal and the bars become a regular hang out.  He wants no pressure, no faces from the past, and no more snow!  Then he recognizes someone.  A face from the past that represents unfinished business; a face that brings his time working in Germany back to the fore; but a face that makes him reconsider retiring to Pattaya.  He enlists the help of Jeng, one of the dancers at Run Coyote that he has befriended, and they start to investigate.
As he digs deeper, he finds his foes from Germany are back up to their old tricks, and some new ones.  It’s time to put a spanner in their works.  It’s time to try and finally finish what was started years ago.  He calls on old friends to help.  In the course of his self imposed mission, he makes new ones amongst the Thai Diamonds as they help to close down the operations, but this time they need assistance from lawyers and the police if they are to succeed.  Colonel Wichai, ‘Chai’ from Bangkok is given the job.  A job considered by many to be too hot to handle. 
They face challenges and situations that once again, for some, bring back their early life.  To understand what happens in Pattaya, you need to understand what happened in Germany almost twenty years earlier.  Paul was looking for closure on events in Germany.  Could he finally get to the truth that had eluded them?  And will closure, if obtained, be what he expects?
No one was expecting the explosive happenings that shook things and caused them to evaluate their involvement.  And whilst the fictional Pattaya, and characters that Robert created in his earlier books may be familiar, Final Closure is about retribution and revenge.  It is about Paul’s journey to put demons to rest.  But for the Diamonds it is another clean up job.  In the end they get closure, Thai style.  Not the closure that Paul expected; not the type of closure Paul ever expected to experience.  He’d have preferred justice for his foes to death.

Or did they get closure?  Did they finally get the prove they looked for so long in Germany.  Paul and Frank thought at first that with the death of Matthias, they had closure.  But they realized they were missing someone, the mastermind.  In THE FIFTH MAN they resume their search.  They didn't believe they had everyone, and no one was talking.  There were too many loose ends.  Paul and Frank look for the puppet master, the person who controlled everything, now and twenty years ago.
Meanwhile, Chai has his new job and sets up his new undercover team recruiting Jeng and some of the other guys who had helped.  They find that their first cases are not only linked to each other, but linked back to the Matthias case, and to early Thai Diamond History as Run is forced to relive his rape yet again.  It seems someone wants operations closed, and the police to do the job for them.  But Chai isn’t playing that game.
Diamond Detectives cut their teeth on these new cases, but as it becomes clear that everything is linked, everyone wants the Fifth Man.  The problem is, even though they become certain of who it is, how do they prove it in a court of law?  They didn’t want to go down the Matthias route.  Karen suggests the Bratislava solution.
They play a risky game through to its conclusion, and everything about Germany finally becomes clear.

Life is not over for the Diamonds and Robert is currently working on the sixth book, POLISHED DIAMONDS.  The group face new challenges and witness arrivals and departures.  The core of the group remains and the focus of everyone is on the weddings of the three Barnards, and Peter and Ivan.  But Pattaya is Pattaya, and the life of the Diamonds is never straight forward.
Tim and his friends have to deal with shock news and a death at Barnies is not what it seems.  Sebastiano arrives determined that he can renew his friendship with Paul, and show his family that he can succeed alone.
Despite various road bumps along the way the weddings pass off as planned, well almost.  Diamond Detectives get involved in investigating scams, on Thais and Farangs whilst others see an opportunity to invest.  Peter and Ivan face their new life as married men whilst facing the prospect of a future without Tim.
The older Farangs keep trying to get back into retirement, but there is always something to disturb them.

POLISHED DIAMONDS is scheduled for publication in the fourth quarter of 2013 by Thai Diamond Books and will be available through Amazon, Smashwords and other online retailers of eBooks.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Clash of Wills By Robert Bell at Amazon.com

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When informed his father had died, Ray knew he had to do the right thing, even though they'd not spoken in years.  Determined to face his demons, he returned to England, only to discover the realities weren't as he'd imagined and that a world of new problems had to be faced. 
There was one particular demon.  Shirley.
He made the vultures wait.  There was no other family; the funeral had to wait until he could attend.  The facts were simple, or so he thought
Fact: His father was dead.
Fact: He could finally speak his mind.
Fact: Shirley had stolen his inheritance.
Fact: He needed to prepare.
Fact: He was dreading every minute of the trip.
Whitby on a snowy February morning has a stark contrast to the Pattaya he left behind.  A shock to the system.  But the first of many as he faced his demons.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

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Saturday, 16 March 2013

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Free eBooks From Bangkok Books

Blame it on Bangkok

Sex, Lies & Alibis
Tippawan is suspicious when her ex-fiancé starts being nice. She’s about to find out why.
Joe Copeland races to save his son from drugs, and discovers more than he ever wanted to know.
Young Troy learns an painful truth about his father after his mother dies.
Kamra’s life has not been an easy one. Hear a Thai lady's story in her own poignant words.
See Hanoi through the eyes of a fiction writer.
Tad’s brother is dead in Thailand. He goes there to find out why. He should have stayed home.... And Other Musings

Author : Gump, J.F.
ISBN : 9786162221378
Category : Books on Thailand
Pages : 176

Bar Girl

Siswan started life as a simple village girl but an alcoholic father and a needing mother would change her life forever. She must seek out the help of the foreign men who visit her country - but first she has to learn their ways.
From the first chapter to the last Bar Girl tells a harrowing tale of life in Asia where the only thing that matters is money, where love and respect have to be bought rather than earned, and where women always come second. 

Author : Thompson, David
ISBN : 9786162221330
Category : Books on Thailand
Pages : 274

World War 2 Operation Barbarosa

World War 2 Operation Barbarosa by Ronald Ledwell. $3.99 from Smashwords.com
OPERATION BARBAROSSA: One hundred and ten German Divisions smashed across the Russian Border in June of 1941, destroying and encircling every Russian Army in its path. The poorly led and equipped Russians fell back into the vast recesses of the Russian Steppe, biding their time until the newly erected factories East of the Ural Mountains began to produce and then out produce the German ability to

Friday, 15 March 2013

The Red Line - Free eBook

Cover for 'The Red Line'

For sixteen years the red line has sliced through the heart of Nora's city. The young doctor grew up knowing that the virtual line cut Beirut into a Christian east side and a Muslim west side. She takes it for granted that no one on either side in this civil war can cross the red line, the boundary of tradition, morality, and even identity. Then the Muslim patient appears in the psychiatric ward who convinces her to do the unthinkable. Nora's passion for this man draws her into enemy territory where she has to weave words around friends, relatives, and even a powerful and dangerous family. She's caught up in a swirl of deceit and disillusion that takes her across the globe in her mad search for happiness, but she carries with her a cherished photograph of Beirut's ruins. Nora can't let go of the people and places from her secret past, and the past can't let go of her either. In fact, it's coming for revenge. Nora is the grown-up child of war, and her story—which is based on a real one—is the story of Beirut itself, a city divided, a city driven to self-destruction in a frenzy of passion, a city that got addicted to the bitter taste war left on its tongue.


By R.M. Reef
Rating: Not yet rated. 
Published: Feb. 25, 2013 
Words: 91,754 (approximate)
Language: English


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Breath of Africa

Breath of Africa by J.L. Bwye. $3.99 from Smashwords.com
Thirty years of Kenya's recent history unfold through the lives of Caroline, a privileged woman from the highlands, and Charles Ondiek, a farm labourer with dreams of an Oxford education.

 Charles’s love for Teresa, daughter of a hated farmer, leads to a drama of terror fuelled by Mau Mau oath administrator, Mwangi. Against the backdrop of Kenya’s beautiful desert, the curse is finally broken.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

The Front of Beyond

The Front of Beyond by Martin Edge. $2.50 from Smashwords.com
‘The Front of Beyond’ is a collection of travellers’ tales from East Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

In the late 1980s and the 1990s I was working as a lecturer. The only perk of this eighty hour a week job was ten weeks holiday a year. So two or three times a year I would leave the office and take a bus to the airport. Usually travelling with hand luggage only I would hop on a plane to somewhere interesting, cheap and a long, long way from the nearest student of quantity surveying.

I wandered around China, trying to nip across international borders in militarised zones. I stuck my nose into parts of rural Burma where the authorities didn’t really want foreigners to go. I delved into parts of Kurdistan. I had a look at parts of the Sahara, apparently being chased by the army. I hitched and bussed across borders in East Africa.

I would sit on a painfully slow, rickety bus in the baking tropical sun for weeks at a time. I spent the time sweating profusely, wondering where I would sleep that night and not thinking at all about lectures, paperwork and meetings. Oh, the interminable bloody meetings.

In the middle of the decade I upped sticks and buggered off, without pay, to sit on a slow bus for a year. But for most of the nineties, I spent a month at a time, hitch-hiking to the front of beyond. I always aspired to get to the back of beyond, of course. But there’s only so much you can do in a month. I really didn’t have the constitution for facing down hitherto undiscovered tribes of angry Amazonians, wielding blowpipes.

War of the Currents

War of the Currents by Alfonso Borello. $0.99 from Smashwords.com
HE TURNED NIGHT into day with the invention of alternating current which is still the standard today; he was the father of over one hundred patents, his genius was overshadowed by malefic individuals who called him a quintessential mad scientist; he was ripped off by Thomas Edison for fifty thousand dollars, and the FBI had a large dossier of him which later disappeared. In 1943 he was found dead.

My Dawn

Some of us have that special person we are connected to long before we arrive in this world. Some of us have that special person we are connected to long after everyone else has forgotten them. This story is about such a person, my Dawn. The one I will always miss seeing standing on our porch and waiting for me to come back to Sarajevo, to come back home.
My Dawn by Snjezana Marinkovic. $4.99 from Smashwords.com

Always Watching - Free eBook - Just Published

(Book five in the Eriksson Series) After two months on the outside of law enforcement, Helen's frustration and boredom allows her to be easily lured into a new investigation - the abduction of Danny Datello's newborn daughter.

With Johnny Orion away in the capital, working a very secretive case for the governor, Helen's anger grows irrationally when she discovers that Johnny is linked to the prime suspect in the infant abduction, that her case might be far more than one missing infant. Her fears are confirmed by the appearance of a dead child on the shores of Darkwater's bay.

Is Datello involved in human trafficking on top of everything else? As Helen and Devlin Mackenzie race to find the answers, neither one of them realizes the danger to both of them lies much closer than anyone imagines. And when everyone else believes the case is closed, Helen finally begins to understand what Jerry Lowe meant when he warned her that it was only the beginning, because for her, the biggest mystery is now fully exposed.

Cover for 'Always Watching'
By LS Sygnet
Rating: Not yet rated. 
Published: March 12, 2013 
Words: 102,526 (approximate)
Language: American English
ISBN: 9781301304219


The Sad Refrain

The Sad Refrain by JH Gordon. $1.99 from Smashwords.com
Being a hermit in the rugged mountains of Northern California for years will change you; it is a lonely life. Every sound heightens your senses. You know someone is tracking you. Every human is a threat. Suddenly friendship changes everything. Adjustment is difficult, problems seem insurmountable; and a job in the city is out of the question.

Tigers and Tamangs: How not to do a Nepalese adventure travel reconnaissance

Tigers and Tamangs: How not to do a Nepalese adventure travel reconnaissance by Mark Horrell. $0.99 from Smashwords.com
Mark Horrell sets off on an adventure travel reconnaissance with his friends who own a Nepalese trekking agency. On a desperate crusade to see a tiger in Bardia National Park they experience a bizarre set of escapades involving the Nepalese Army, a tame rhino and a surreal rafting trip. After visiting the birthplace of Buddha they are then terrorised by leeches on a monsoon trek.

Everyone Said I Should Write A Book

Pirates, parrots, hurricanes and...Himalayas! The travels and adventures of a sailor and explorer. From the San Blas islands of Panama to the mountains of Kashmir and the deserts of Afghanistan, follow Cap'n Jon's true life adventures as he encounters pirates at sea, near death in the Himalayas and fierce tribesmen near Kabul. A fun, easy read which appeals to men and women of all ages...

Everyone Said I Should Write A Book by Jonathan White. $2.99 from Smashwords.com

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The Tomb of Chewang Nima: An expedition to climb Baruntse in Eastern Nepal

The Tomb of Chewang Nima: An expedition to climb Baruntse in Eastern Nepal by Mark Horrell. $0.99 from Smashwords.com
One of the pros of climbing in Nepal is that it's possible to have great experiences just trekking to the foot of a mountain, before even starting to climb it. But it had been an unlucky year in the Himalayas for many climbers, and Mark Horrell arrived to climb Baruntse just days after it had claimed the life of one of the greatest of all Sherpas.

Some decisions are easy to make, others much harder. Mark Horrell had just failed on his third attempt to climb an 8000 metre peak, Cho Oyu in Tibet, and had returned to Nepal for the consolation of climbing Baruntse, an impressive ridge of a mountain south of Everest.

Leaving Cho Oyu without trying for the summit had been easy. There had been so many avalanches and so many climbers caught up in them, that it was remarkable no one had been killed. By contrast Baruntse turned out to be one of those "shall we, shan't we" summit attempts.

One of the great things about climbing in Nepal is that it's possible to have fantastic experiences just trekking to the foot of a mountain, before even starting to climb it. Accompanied by his regular Himalayan climbing buddy Mark Dickson, he certainly had that, but he also got rather wet and miserable in weather conditions his friend described as some of the wettest he'd come across. Then they arrived on Baruntse just days after it had claimed the life of one of the greatest of all Sherpas.

It had been an unlucky year in the Himalayas both for the author and for many others, and although it hadn't been an auspicious beginning, would he be rewarded with a successful climb at last?

The Tomb of Chewang Nima is Mark Horrell's travel diary from his expedition, and will appeal to anyone with an interest in trekking and climbing in the Himalayas, or with an interest in mountain literature in general. It includes many photographs from the expedition.

The Next Best Seller? Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook

Thirty years after women became 50 percent of the college graduates in the United States, men still hold the vast majority of leadership positions in government and industry. This means that women’s voices are still not heard equally in the decisions that most affect our lives. In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg examines why women’s progress in achieving leadership roles has stalled, explains the root causes, and offers compelling, commonsense solutions that can empower women to achieve their full potential. 

Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and is ranked on Fortune’s list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business and as one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. In 2010, she gave an electrifying TEDTalk in which she described how women unintentionally hold themselves back in their careers. Her talk, which became a phenomenon and has been viewed more than two million times, encouraged women to “sit at the table,” seek challenges, take risks, and pursue their goals with gusto.

In Lean In, Sandberg digs deeper into these issues, combining personal anecdotes, hard data, and compelling research to cut through the layers of ambiguity and bias surrounding the lives and choices of working women. She recounts her own decisions, mistakes, and daily struggles to make the right choices for herself, her career, and her family. She provides practical advice on negotiation techniques, mentorship, and building a satisfying career, urging women to set boundaries and to abandon the myth of “having it all.”  She describes specific steps women can take to combine professional achievement with personal fulfillment and demonstrates how men can benefit by supporting women in the workplace and at home. 

Written with both humor and wisdom, Sandberg’s book is an inspiring call to action and a blueprint for individual growth. Lean In is destined to change the conversation from what women can’t do to what they can


Scamp walked across the bridge.  He didn’t understand where he was going, but he did it.  There was an old black and white dog waiting.  He assumed it must be waiting for him.  There was no one else around.  He felt alone and in need of a friend.  He walked up to the stranger, but he did look familiar.  He needed to introduce himself.  He wanted to explain to someone.
You look friendly.  Do you mind me talking to you?  I’m new here.  Were you waiting for me?  Let me introduce myself, and tell you my short story.  I’m Scamp, a Shih Tzu.  I was born in Thailand and remember little of my early life. 
The stranger just laid there, his head resting on his outstretched paws.  He knew the newcomer needed to talk.  There was time for everything.  He remembered when he crossed the bridge.
Scamp sensed he should carry on.

Scamp recounts his short life to his new friend, and learns that he will be reunited.  Old Scamp is a wise old dog.

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Enter Coupon Code: MF33E and download for free from Smashwords.  Valid until March 16

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Journey to Angkor

Journey to Angkor

Cover for 'Journey to Angkor'
Piero leaves his home in Taormina to go to work for a renowned naturalist in England. Unfortunately, he hadn't reckoned on falling for the Professor's handsome young nephew, but it seems they have only just begun to explore their mutual attraction when the Professor discovers their relationship. To avoid scandal, he sends Piero away on a mission to Indochina, to explore the region and document the things he finds there. It's truly a chance of a lifetime for Piero, even though he doesn't want to leave his new friend.

On the voyage to Singapore, Piero meets a mysterious Siamese gentleman who, when they meet again in Bangkok, arranges for the Italian to meet Plai, a young Siamese man who will become Piero's guide, interpreter, and more. As the two young men explore Siam and Cambodia, they encounter stinky fruits, stingy kings, lascivious princes, and the wonders of Angkor, an ancient city unknown to Europeans of the time

Go Now

two new eBooks

And Then Came Murder by Mike Poppe. $0.99 from Smashwords.com
Ryan McDonnell & Tim Harding fought thru Vietnam together, with Harding saving McDonnell's life. This was just one reason they developed a life long friendship. Twenty years later, McDonnell, now a Homicide Commander, learns that his friend has been murdered. He flies to Wyoming, to catch the killer & bring him to justice. What he finds is a wall of silence, built by men determined to stop him.

How Angels Die by David-Michael Harding. $3.99 from Smashwords.com
Two sisters take different roads in their work for the French Resistance during World War II. Claire is an active guerrilla fighter while Monique seduces German officers to learn military secrets from bedroom pillows. Love enters in for both as battles rage in their family over the morality of killing vs. sex while, unknown to them all, D-Day rapidly approaches.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Snowshoes and Shipton: Climbing Muztag Ata in the Chinese Pamirs

Snowshoes and Shipton: Climbing Muztag Ata in the Chinese Pamirs by Mark Horrell. $0.99 from Smashwords.com

The great mountain explorer Eric Shipton failed to reach the summit of Muztag Ata, vomited from exhaustion on the way down and arrived back with frostbite. Undeterred by Shipton's failure, Mark Horrell thought he'd have a go at the mountain himself. Despite its gentle appearance, it reaches an impressive height of 7546m, higher than he'd ever climbed before. This is the diary of his adventure.

Murder in the Peace Corps: The Kate Puzey Story

Murder in the Peace Corps: The Kate Puzey Story by Aaron Kase. $2.99 from Smashwords.com

Kate Puzey was a popular, outgoing 24-year-old who loved being a Peace Corps volunteer in West Africa. She taught English at a village school in Benin and fought tirelessly for girls' empowerment and opportunity. But when she discovered a dark secret in her village, she knew she needed to take a stand-- a decision that would ultimately cost her life.

Louise - New FREE eBook

Cover for 'Louise'

Steven Rivers is suffering of a severe depressive disorder, due to the sudden loss of his daughter. He tries to do anything to get her back. One day he sees a little girl who reminds him a lot of his daughter. He gets obsessed and traces the girl down.
After being picked up from school, Louise goes to town with her mother and on a very busy day on the streets of New York City, the 5-year-old girl is blindfolded with a blue scarf. Her mother loses her daughter among the crowd and screams for help, but the girl is gone. Where is Louise? 
The search begins. The police looks for her. But Steven reacts fast and tries everything to escape with her. 
Despite not being aware of his mental illness, all Steven has in mind is to live a normal life and to start a new one of his own with his so-called daughter 


By Sirleny Garcia
Rating: Not yet rated. 
Published: March 09, 2013 
Words: 86,726 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301902965

Six New eBooks from yesterday

New Suburbia by Stephen Jerrome. $6.99 from Smashwords.com
At 21, Lance wants to live the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. But he has to care for two younger siblings as he works for his friend Kevin’s sister as a roadie. Kevin juggles her tour with his own musical aspirations. A classic rocker meltdown looms, and they must redefine their idea of family.

The Writer and Other Stories by Gary J Byrnes. $2.99 from Smashwords.com
This thrilling collection of stunning short fiction will force you to challenge every assumption, to question everything, to conclude that your influence on the development of human civilisation is as critical as anybody else's. Ever. Human society has always been controlled and manipulated by the few, but can the many fight back? Epic fiction.

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Monday, 11 March 2013

Patty’s Guide to Thai Ladies & All Men - Just Published

A foolproof guide to the mating game and a humorous look at Thailand's modern Miss.
A definitive look at the man-woman relationship in Thailand.
Avoid ‘Expat Syndrome’, Know ‘The Bar Code’.


Patty’s Guide to Thai Ladies & All Men

ISBN : 9786162222191

Category : Books on Thailand

Pages : 111

from : 3.99 US$ (ebook)

Erotic Refugees - New Free eBook

Cover for 'Erotic Refugees'

Do Irish guys in Stockholm get laid more? Rob and Eoin are about to find out as they attempt to get their Internet dating site off the ground, while struggling with lovers, ex-lovers, badly-poured Guinness and all those extra Swedish vowels. It doesn't take them long to discover that neither love, sex nor HTML ever turn out quite the way you expect. 


By Paddy Kelly
Rating: Not yet rated. 
Published: March 10, 2013 
Words: 90,943 (approximate)
Language: English (Irish dialect)
ISBN: 9781301106363
Fiction » Humor & comedy » General
Fiction » Romance » Contemporary

Islands in the Snow: Climbing Nepal's trekking peaks - Just Published

Islands in the Snow: Climbing Nepal's trekking peaks by Mark Horrell. $0.99 from Smashwords.com
Two friends set out on a trek in the Khumbu region of Nepal which involved climbing two trekking peaks - Mera Peak and Island Peak - and crossing the difficult Amphu Labtse pass. One of them had climbed Mera in 2004, and the other had climbed Island in 2005, but neither of them had done both or crossed the Amphu Labtse. This is the diary of their journey.

Sunday, 10 March 2013